Research Associate, PhD Student
Caroline Poppa is a research associate at the SHARE BERLIN Institute, currently pursuing her PhD in the project Publication Bias in the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (DFG) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. David Richter.
She acquired her M.Sc. in biology (with the specification neurobiology and behavior) at Freie Universität Berlin and is part of the International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (IMPRS LIFE) as an external fellow.
Before joining the SHARE BERLIN Institute, Caroline was a research associate in the department of medical psychology at Charité University Hospital Berlin, working in the group Prenatal Stress and Aging.
While in the past, her research focused on mediating effects of synaptic plasticity during neurogenesis (Bachelor Thesis) and neuroplasticity in older age (Master Thesis), she now investigates the prevalence of (and risk factors for) publication bias, using a meta-analytical approach.
Kiral, F. R., Dutta, S. B., Linneweber, G. A., Hilgert, S., Poppa, C., Duch, C., von Kleist, M., Hassan, B. A. & Hiesinger, P. R. (2021). Brain connectivity inversely scales with developmental temperature in Drosophila. Cell reports, 37(12).
Schwarze, S. A., Poppa, C., Gawronska, S. M., & Fandakova, Y. (2021). The more, the merrier? What happens in your brain when you are multitasking?. Frontiers for Young Minds, 9.
Research Associate, PhD Student